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臺南市七股區樹林里又稱為樹子脚,是一個簡單又可愛的地方,四週有很多農田,也有種植洋香瓜,農田附近還有很多魚塭。 Shulin Village, also known as Tshiū- Á- Kak, is a simple and lovely place in Cigu District, Tainan City. Many farmlands are nearby. Melon trees have been planted across the community. There are numerous fish ponds located around the farmland... 觀看完整文章
本校為雙語學校 A 類學校,全年級 1/3 以上配合雙語教學課程。 Shulin Elementary School is an A type bilingual school. One-third of all grade-level courses are integrated with bilingual teaching courses.   彈性課程以探主題式究式課程連貫,營造「能思考」、「能主動」、「能表達」的學習環境與氛圍。 The alternative curriculum is coherent with the theme-based and res... 觀看完整文章

