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管理員 - Camp activities(營隊活動) | 2023-02-28 | 點閱數: 622
MASSKARA FESTIVAL  巴科羅面具嘉年華 A festival from Bacolod, Philippines. The students designed their own mask using paint, colored papers, sticker gems, and chenille stems. 來自菲律賓巴科羅的節日。 學生們使用顏料、彩色紙、貼紙寶石和毛根透過自己的創意設計了專屬面具。 Japanese Culture Practice some Japanese words, fol... 觀看完整文章
Daily Routine The students shared their daily routine in front of the class.
Aspiring Reporters 有理想抱負的記者 The Fifth-Grade class learned vocabulary related to journalism, talk about journalism, and watch a short video. Fifth-grade students learned what a reporter does. The students used the following skills: listening, speaking, vocabulary and comprehension. The cla... 觀看完整文章
Self Introduction 英語自我介紹 先由外師自我介紹 再由學生依序使用英語向外師介紹自己 讓外師可以更進一步了解學生們 How To Be a Reporter 我是小記者 Fourth-grade students learned what a reporter does. They practiced saying common lines from the reporters and learned some English vocabulary. This activity is prepared for th... 觀看完整文章
What is this? Increasing vocabulary by asking, "What is this?" They had fun naming their favorite toys. This and that may be confusing, but using games help the student remember it. Identifying Colors Identifying, matching colors to its name, and spell... 觀看完整文章
Comparing Volume The students are measuring the capacity of their cups. They also compare which contains more and less water. IDENTIFYING WEIGHT Gathering stones to identify which is heavier. They also use a scale to help them weigh objects.
Do You Want to Play? First-Grade students are so excited about the newly built playground. They watched the Yes, Yes Playground song and sang along with it.  "Swings, swings, why don’t you push the swingsYes, yes, yes I want to push the swingsGood, good, I want to swing with youYa... 觀看完整文章
臺南市七股區樹林里又稱為樹子脚,是一個簡單又可愛的地方,四週有很多農田,也有種植洋香瓜,農田附近還有很多魚塭。 Shulin Village, also known as Tshiū- Á- Kak, is a simple and lovely place in Cigu District, Tainan City. Many farmlands are nearby. Melon trees have been planted across the community. There are numerous fish ponds located around the farmland... 觀看完整文章

